Friday, January 12, 2007

Racks and Stacks

Thought it was a nice title for a post. Looking at some of the online players, I wonder where they are getting all their money. It seems that some of them should've been broke a long time ago. Are they reloading or are they actually winning someone's money?

This is technically my 100th post and man has it seemed like I just started this yesterday. The old site is gone...well...not being used anymore. Let me hear some feedback about the new site please.

As always, looking for link swaps with anybody that has a quality blog site. I like the reading too. It's good to get into other poker player's heads and see what they're thinking throughout a hand and a session or tourney. The more you know! Image Hosted by

The church tourney is tomorrow! Can't freakin' wait. I'll post after the tourney and let you know how I did.

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